
In many countries, cryptocurrency is prohibited as a means of payment. However, citizens from different countries are allowed to buy it on foreign exchanges. And this is very good. After all, for all the people traveling abroad, cryptocurrency remains almost the only way to transfer money abroad. Let’s figure out where you can easily use cryptocurrency without converting it into traditional money. 

Despite the active development of cryptocurrency over the past 10 years, only 2 countries have recognized Bitcoin (the leading digital coin) as an official means of payment. These are El Salvador and the Central African Republic (CAR). But in another 10 countries around the world, cryptocurrency can be used for payments in cafes, shops, etc. Here’s where else, in addition to El Salvador and the Central African Republic, you can legally pay with digital coins:

Estonia. Cryptocurrency in the country is equal to ordinary money, that is, it can be used to pay in a store, cafe, etc. By the way, Estonia was the first EU country to adopt legislation to regulate cryptocurrencies (in 2017).


Germany. In the country, cryptocurrency can be used for purchases, payment for services, and exchange. It is interesting that digital money in Germany is equal to ordinary money even from a tax point of view, that is, when buying a product or paying for a service, you will have to pay VAT.


Spain. Here the crypto can be used to make electronic payments.


Italy. More and more stores in the country accept cryptocurrency for payment for purchases. However, the authorities are in no hurry to give digital coins the legal status of a means of payment.


Canada. You can pay with crypto in shops and cafes. 


USA. There are more and more places in the country (shops, gas stations, cafes) where digital money is accepted. And in some American states, Bitcoin can even be used to pay taxes.


Panama. Panamanian authorities allow paying taxes with cryptocurrency and using it for private transactions.


Switzerland. Digital money can be used to pay for utilities.


Japan. Bitcoin and Ether (the two leading cryptocurrencies) are allowed to be used as means of payment. Starting in 2023, the authorities promise to expand this list.


Iran. Unfortunately, individuals cannot use cryptocurrency in the country. However, the authorities are actively using digital assets to pay for supplies of fuel, electricity, etc. from abroad.


Even though the list of states wishing to legally allow the use of cryptocurrencies is increasing every year, there are countries in which big problems are threatened by the use of digital coins. For example, in Iraq, Bangladesh, and Vietnam, you can go to jail for using Bitcoin, Ether, etc. The authorities of Qatar, Morocco, and Algeria are less harsh. According to the laws of these countries, any activity with digital assets is subject to a fine.

Collect & Exchange is the best crypto exchange provider for individuals and businesses. Our platform is allowed to do exchange from digital assets into FIAT and vice versa. 

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