
We've gathered the top 3 ways cryptocurrency is used on a daily basis. What option would you add?

Money Transfers

  • Private individuals and small business owners are increasingly making international payments in cryptocurrency. It's faster and cheaper. According to the latest Triple-a research , 61% of freelancers own cryptocurrency, and 56% receive their salary in it. For example, Vietnam leads in cryptocurrency ownership, with 85% of freelancers holding cryptocurrencies. They are followed by Romania with 74% and Nigeria with 72%. Regarding the acceptance of cryptocurrency payments for their services, freelancers in Argentina are the leaders at 84%. Colombia (64%) and Pakistan (63%) follow closely.


  • Fundraising in cryptocurrency is currently one of the fastest-growing methods of donations. This is largely due to tax advantages and the active growth of users investing in cryptocurrency. One of the advantages of cryptocurrency is that it provides opportunities for quick support. This saves fees for the charity and speeds up the transfer process, whereas banks would take much longer to process the transfer.

Alternative to Saving Money

  • Cryptocurrency is a real way to save during times of financial instability. For example, the annual inflation rate of the Argentine peso increased from 10.46% in 2010 to 114% in 2023. As the national currency weakened, residents started buying more bitcoins. Similar dynamics can be observed in the acquisition of cryptocurrency in Venezuela, Nigeria, and Kenya, for example.


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